Код товара - ИКЕА-70464874 Цена в Польше 29.99 PLN ---> https://www.ikea.com/pl/pl/p/lurvig-tunel-do-zabawy-dla-kota-bialy-rozowy-70464874/ -Доставка товара из ИКЕА Гданьск в Калининград LURVIG Tunel do zabawy dla kota, biały/różowy Koty uwielbiają się chować i gonić różne rzeczy. W tym tunelu mogą robić jedno i drugie. Piłka w otworze tunelu pobudza ciekawość Twojego kota i natralny instynkt łowny. Комплект в своем составе включает товары с кодами - ИКЕА-70464874, Комплектующие - , которые Вы можете заказать дополнительно. Товар будет выкуплен и привезен из Польши.
Товар упакован в коробок, Включает: ~Артикул: ;
Is a ready-to-use skin antiseptic in the form of a colorless transparent gel is water-alcohol-based with a characteristic alcoholic smell and/or odor apply perfume.Composition:as active substances (DV) contains: isopropyl alcohol – 60,0%, 2-Phenoxyethanol and 1% 2,4,4-trichloro-2-hydroxydiphenyl ether (triclosan) to 0.25%, also contains other functional additives, including moisturizing and nourishing for the skin components. As moisturizing and caring for skin supplements contains D-panthenol and vitamin E.Antimicrobial activity of the disinfectant "Abacterial-gel":against gram-positive (including Mycobacterium tuberculosis – tested on Mycobacterium terrae) and gram-negative bacteria, viruses (including Reno-, Noro-, rotor-, adeno-viruses: viruses of enteral and parenteral hepatitis, poliomyelitis, HIV, influenza virus and human parainfluenza virus "swine" flu H1N1 and avian H5N1 influenza, viruses "atypical pneumonia" (SARS), herpes viruses), fungi of the genus Candida and Trichophyton.The tool has a prolonged operation for 6 hours.The advantages of the disinfectant "Abacterial-gel":the gel form of antiseptic compared to antiseptic more convenient to use. Don't bother with in contrast to liquid antiseptics. Because of this, the gel is more economical in use;form of antiseptic gel has a less pronounced odor of isopropyl alcohol;dries quickly, leaves no sticky feeling;as moisturizing and caring for skin supplements contains D-panthenol and vitamin E, which contribute to the maintenance of protective functions of the skin; have wound healing, anti-inflammatory, sooth irritated skin;compact vials for individual use allow you to carry an antiseptic with you and to support hand hygiene in any situation where soap and water are not available.Packing:plastic bottles of 50ml, 0.1 l, 0.2 l, 1l;other capacity at the request of the customer.Storage and transport of the disinfectant "Abacterial-gel":transportation means possible with all types of transport in accordance with the rules of transportation of flammable liquids include isopropyl alcohol, applied to this type of transport and guaranteeing the safety of tools and containers.Store away from drugs in places inaccessible to children at temperature from -40 °C to +40 °C.Shelf life: 6 years from date of manufacture in unopened original packaging.Toxicity and safety of disinfectant "Abacterial-gel":in the parameters of acute toxicity when injected into the stomach and applied to the skin, according to GOST 12.1.007-76 belongs to the 4th class of low-dangerous substances. Locally-irritating, skin-rezorbtivee and sensitizing properties in the recommended modes of application of money is not expressed. The tool has a pronounced irritant effect on eyes...
Код товара - ИКЕА-40226766 Цена в Польше 19 PLN ---> https://www.ikea.com/pl/pl/p/dryck-bubbel-paeron-napoj-gruszkowy-gazowany-40226766/ -Доставка товара из ИКЕА Гданьск в Калининград DRYCK BUBBEL PÄRON Napój gruszkowy, gazowany Odświeżający, owocowy napój bezalkoholowy. Podawaj podczas różnych uroczystości. Комплект в своем составе включает товары с кодами - ИКЕА-40226766, Комплектующие - , которые Вы можете заказать дополнительно. Товар будет выкуплен и привезен из Польши.
Товар упакован в коробок, Включает: ~Артикул: ;..
Cargo transportation from Vilnius to Kaliningrad.Own transport = ➤ Payment under the contract of VAT 20%, 0%. = Двери Door to door delivery. = ➤ Urgent transportation of goods 1 day, = Commercial cargo = ➤ Delivery: industrial equipment, spare parts, raw materials, medical equipment,Goods are transported in a clean, specially equipped machine, on time, safe and sound! We guarantee the quality and reliability of our services!If necessary, all customs formalities will be produced at the borders.Your goods can be delivered to any bonded warehouse in the territory of the Kaliningrad region or to the destination, to you or your customers...
Cargo transportation from Elblag to Kaliningrad. The goods will be delivered to a customs warehouse in the Kaliningrad region or to your warehouse or store. Delivery of goods from manufacturers, wholesale stores Elblag. Delivery is carried out at exactly the agreed time, safe and sound!We guarantee the quality and reliability of our services!If necessary, all customs formalities, saw digital release will be carried out on the borders of the European Union and Russia.Your goods can be delivered to any customs warehouse in the Kaliningrad region or to the destination, to your warehouse or store...
Код товара - ИКЕА-99389266 Цена в Польше 1423 PLN ---> https://www.ikea.com/pl/pl/p/besta-regal-szklane-drzwi-bialy-smeviken-ostvik-kabbarp-biale-szklo-przezroczyste-s99389266/ -Доставка товара из ИКЕА Гданьск в Калининград BESTÅ Regał/szklane drzwi, biały Smeviken/Ostvik/Kabbarp białe szkło przezroczyste, 60x42x202 cm Dzięki wbudowanej funkcji cichego domykania, szuflady zamykają się cicho i łagodnie. Szklane drzwi sprawią, że przedmioty nie będą się kurzyły, a nadal będą widoczne. Комплект в своем составе включает товары с кодами - ИКЕА-99389266, Комплектующие - 00245842, 00295554, 40348715, 60295532, 60472879, 70351513, 70472930, 80261258, 80351517, 80469654, 80472878, которые Вы можете заказать дополнительно. Товар будет выкуплен и привезен из Польши.
Товар упакован в 17 коробок, Включает: ~Артикул: ;..
Код товара - ИКЕА-69398917 Цена в Польше 989 PLN ---> https://www.ikea.com/pl/pl/p/besta-szafka-pod-tv-czarnybraz-lappviken-czarnobrazowe-szklo-przezroczyste-s69398917/ -Доставка товара из ИКЕА Гданьск в Калининград BESTÅ Szafka pod TV, czarnybrąz/Lappviken czarnobrązowe szkło przezroczyste, 180x42x39 cm Regulowane stopki sprawiają, że ława na telewizor stoi stabilnie również na nierównej podłodze. Szuflady ułatwiają przechowywanie rzeczy w sposób zorganizowany. Комплект в своем составе включает товары с кодами - ИКЕА-69398917, Комплектующие - 30488315, 40291672, 40295528, 40296311, 40351246, 60295532, 70474062, 80261258, которые Вы можете заказать дополнительно. Товар будет выкуплен и привезен из Польши.
Товар упакован в 11 коробок, Включает: ~Артикул: ;..