
Basic concepts ON regional CONSUMER Union

  • 17 July 2008 09:00:00
  • Views: 3021

Consumer society - voluntary Association of citizens and (or) legal entities established usually on a territorial basis, on the basis of membership of the Association by its members of property shares for trading, procurement, production and other activities in order to meet material and other needs of its members;
District, County, regional, provincial, national, Central Union of consumer societies (hereinafter - the Union) - a voluntary Association of consumer societies on the basis of decisions of General meetings of consumer societies;
Regional Union of consumer societies - Union of consumer societies of the district, created by a consumer society to coordinate their activities, protect property and other rights of consumer societies and their members, represent their interests in state bodies and bodies of local self-government, and to provide consumer societies legal, informational and other services. The decision of the Union government on matters specified in the Charter of the Union, compulsory for the consumer societies which are its members;
District, regional, territorial or Republican Union of consumer societies (further also - the regional Union) is a voluntary Association of consumer societies, Autonomous district, oblast, Krai or Republic and (or) regional unions of consumer societies, established on a territorial basis in order to coordinate the activities of consumer societies and district unions of consumer societies, protection of property and other rights of consumer societies and their members, regional unions of consumer societies, to represent their interests in state bodies and bodies of local self-government, and to provide consumer societies and the district Union of consumer societies legal, information and other services. The decision of the Union government on matters specified in the Charter of the Union, compulsory for members of consumer societies and relevant regional unions of consumer societies;
Central Union of consumer societies of Russia (hereinafter - the Central Union) - a voluntary Association of consumer societies and (or) regional unions more than half of subjects of the Russian Federation, received in the prescribed manner the right to use in its name words "Russia" and established to coordinate the activities of consumer societies, the unions of consumer societies, protection of property and other rights of consumer societies and their members, unions of consumer societies, representation of consumer societies, the unions of consumer societies in the state bodies, bodies of local self-government and international organizations and to provide consumer societies and their unions legal, informational and other services. Decisions of the management bodies of the Central Union of consumer societies of Russia on the issues determined by the Charter of the Central Union, binding its members of consumer societies and regional unions and the Central Union of consumer societies, regional unions of consumer societies and regional unions;
The organizations of consumer cooperation is consumer society, the unions of consumer societies and institutions, business companies and other legal persons, the sole founders of which are consumer companies or unions;
Shareholder, member of consumer society - a citizen, a legal person, has made an entry fee and share and adopted in a consumer society in the manner prescribed by the Charter of consumer society order;
The Commissioner of consumer society - the shareholder elected by the meeting of shareholders of cooperative land and is empowered to resolve issues at a General meeting of commissioners of the consumer society. He is the link between consumer society and shareholders, organizes the activity of the consumer cooperative society in the area. The rate of representation of the commissioners of the consumer society, as well as their rights and responsibilities defined by the Charter of consumer society;
The highest organ of the consumer society - a General meeting of a consumer society, which is held in the form of the General meeting of shareholders of consumer society or in the form of a General meeting of commissioners of the consumer society;
Representatives of consumer society consumer societies - the shareholders elected at the General meeting of a consumer society (unless otherwise provided by the charters of consumer societies and their unions) for participation in the General meetings of representatives of consumer societies unions, to which this consumer society;
Entry fee - the amount of money aimed at covering the costs associated with the introduction in consumer society;
Share contribution property contribution of the shareholder in a mutual Fund the consumer society money, securities, land or shares in land, other property, or property or other rights having monetary value;
Mutual Fund - a Fund consisting of contributions made by the shareholders at the creation of the consumer society or joining it and being one of the sources of assets of consumer society;
Reserve Fund - a Fund that is designed to cover losses from extraordinary circumstances and order of formation and use of which is determined by the Charter of consumer society or the Union;
Indivisible Fund - part of the property of the consumer society or Union which is not subject to alienation or distribution between the shareholders and the procedure of formation and use of which is determined by the Charter of consumer society or the Union;
Participation in economic activity of consumer society - acquisition of goods in a consumer society, the use of the services of the consumer society, the supply of agricultural products and raw materials consumer society and (or) otherwise participate in business transactions as a consumer or vendor;
Co-operative payments - a portion of the proceeds of the consumer society, to be distributed among the shareholders in proportion to their participation in economic activity of consumer society, or their mutual contributions, unless otherwise provided by the Charter of consumer society;

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